The Posing of an Unknown A performance installation by Ectoplasm Girls

posing of an unknown bild

Ticket price: 100 sek / 80 sek Fylkingen member, student

Ectoplasm Girls is a sound and occasionally visual project consisting of sisters Nadine and Tanya Byrne.
Their work as Ectoplasm Girls is based on a total fusion of their respective practices in sound, where the individual authorship has been completely erased. Ectoplasm Girls exists rather as a shared energy field that consists of their common references, memories and interests that materialize through sound. Ectoplasm Girls also acts as a kind of constantly expanding audio archive. Nadine and Tanya Byrne continuously exert audio recordings that have been recorded over a period of almost 50 years starting with recordings their parents made as well as recordings they made themselves as children, teenagers and adults. By working with these sound recordings, and constantly adding new ones, they explore aspects of sound connecting to notions of time, memory and the past.

The Posing of an Unknown is a concert, performance, installation and an ongoing work all at once.

It marks a further exploration into the past, through an archive of sounds which touch upon both private and collective memory. Attempting reconstruction and reenactment, sonic gestures emerge as or in lieu of language. What does memory sound like? What does time sound like?

In The Posing of an Unknown a moment is frozen in an ongoing process. It is not an ending or a result, but a glimpse into an active exploration of sound.

With support by Konstnärsnämnden.,

Important info:
It will be possible to experience the performance on three occasions during Saturday September 25th.
To be sure to get a ticket, please reserve one since there is limited capacity according to current restrictions.
Reserve your ticket via this link:
Performance ca 45 min

Medlemsproduktion: Nadine Byrne