After Work

Fri entré

An evening with performance, music, poetry, sounds, images and research.

Economic stress under wage earning has been abolished. Machines and AI have taken over dirty, heavy and tedious work. Money and social injustice are banned. All the technological resources of humanity can be used to reset the global economy to harmonize with ecology. Free citizens can spend their time in leisure practicing, music, art, and poetry. Visions of the future are already here.
But is it a utopia that we are seeing materializing around us or a dystopia? What will happen to people when nobody wants their labor? Does there already exist a firm border between those who have a job, with all that it entails of social and economic benefits, and the people that are on the other side of the fence- the people that have to sell their work by the hour, and who in practice are modern slaves under apps and SMS. Is everything for sale? Can you sell voluntary labour?
During this evening, these issues are further developed through artworks by Work-a-work.

One of each, Karin Hansson. One of each is the process of creating a group based on differences rather than shared interests. An encyclopedic sound and text-based work performed by Lily Bigestans and Karin Hansson.

Love’s Labour (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Shiva Anoushirvani.
The lifelong labour of love filling an endless void impossible to fulfill. About being loved and having the possibility to love. Is a robot the only one worth having a deep loving relation with? Participants: Shiva Anoushirvani, Robin Jonsson and the robot Alex.

Stage Directions 2, 3, 5- The Big Shadow, Åsa Andersson Broms.
The public space as scenography, and the construction of a photographic art piece.

S 0502-Y. Monochrome performance, Nils Claesson.
Painting a white painting on a white canvas in a black box.

Fylkingen for sale! Per Hasselberg.
Fylkingen is unique, it is the world’s oldest artist-run transdisciplinary association, founded 1933. After nearly 90years of existence, the association finally wants to capitalize on all the work done for the arts and humanities.

This violin must die, George Kentros.
What happens when the violinist still has to work but is not allowed to play? A lecture performance by George Kentros with support from Fredrik Olofsson.

Doors open 19.00. Shiva Anoushirvani, Åsa Andersson Broms 20.00. Nils Claesson, Per Hasselberg 21.15. George Kentros 22.30. Karin Hansson 19.00-24.00.

Work-a-Work is a transdisciplinary artistic research project supported by the Swedish Research Council through the Royal Institute of Art. For more information, visit the web site, or contact

Foto: Åsa Andersson Broms


Medlemsproduktion: George Kentros