Galleroben 6.0 Jan Carleklev


"Galleroben" Fylkingens lilla mini galleri

6:e installationen:
"INFRASTRUCTURE II - choose miss create" - av Jan Carleklev 10 feb - 3 mar 2010

INFRASTRUCTURE II invites its audience to create a personal piece of sound art. It is about missed chances, silenced voices and the magic of creation.

There are 11 loudspeakers and 12 cables, each cables is connected to one speaker. All of them have a different audiostream. The sounds comes originally from the arduino micro controller and a hacked toy sampler. You have to plug the cable into the jacks on the patch bay to create your own sound. There are only 8 jacks so there is always going to be unheard sounds. You have to choose and you will always miss something. But when you choose, you will always create something.

With the installation I want to investigate how we deal with the knowledge that there is so much going on around us that we don't have access to just because there isn't enough time, room, interest, will or whatever reason. I'm also interested in how the audience will interact with this interface. How do the audience react to the sounds and how do they approach the interface.

Jan Carleklev
Composer and sound designer, studeing at the Experience Design Group (MFA) at Konstfack